Mid-range Linux gam...
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Mid-range Linux gaming PC

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I love my current PC, but it's old - I'm not sure how old - but it's got a GTX 1060 (6GB), and that was released in 2016! Asus mobo, 16gb of RAM, and an I7 CPU. SATA HDs

I only game at 1080p, so AAA games aren't a problem. I played Hogwarts recently at 60fps. GTA5? No probs. The only game I have struggled with was Red Dead 2, but I think that was a RAM issue that kept crashing it.

Anyway, I want to give this PC to my niece for her birthday, and treat myself to a new PC, but I haven't got a flipping clue where to start. Having a baby for the last few years, means I'm massively out of the loop! When the guys on LGC talk about hardware on the show, it just all goes over my head.

I'm guessing I want a mobo with an NVME? And at least 32GB of RAM? But I have no idea what a good CPU or GPU combination is these days.

Any advice would be appreciated. Again... I'm only gaming at 1080p, and I'm going for mid-range price.

Also... feel free to take the piss! 

Apathy is death!

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First question, and most important one: What's your budget?

Second question: What components/peripherals are you keeping?

This post was modified 5 months ago by RTheren

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I dunno - around a grand? GBP

I've got cases, and cooling, and PSUs, etc. I'll just be buying the guts - mobo, RAM, HD, CPU, and GPU

Apathy is death!

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I'd say this is a good base with new components. You might want to edit and/or change as needed for something older if that's too much for you:

This post was modified 5 months ago by RTheren

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Looks good!

Yes, I know I want 1TB NVME, and 32GB of RAM. What I'm struggling with is the CPU & GPU combo.

Is the general consensus AMD & AMD nowadays, since Nvidia have shit the bed? 

My local guys (where I normally buy) seem to like pairing a Ryzen 7 with a RTX 3060/3070/4070

Apathy is death!

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I went from 3080 to 7900 XTX, and I must say that AMD GPU on Linux is fantastic compared to nVidia. If the only thing you want to do is play games and not do encoding, ray-tracing and all that garbage, go with AMD. As for CPU....I'd say AMD.

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FFS - I've only just realised RTX is Nvidia. This is how out-of-touch I am.


Apathy is death!

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Lul. It has really been a while 😀


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