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Snapdragon X Linux benchmarks?

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It has been about a week since the reviews / benchmarks started popping up for the Snapdragon X. Sadly, I've not seen a single Linux benchmark, minus the Geekbench run from 2023.

Screenshot 2024 06 26 11 41 16

I know a couple of people have turned their Raspberry Pi 4's into a serviceable DAW, so I've been keeping an eye out.

Qualcomm is upstreaming Linux kernel support and has an experimental version of Debian ready for testing.

Curious to see how it handles USB interfaces and external PCIe devices.

Qualcomm Snapdragon X CPUs

Also, it's a laptop so it could be a wee on the shouty side. That is, if they have active cooling?


I'll keep this thread updated when / if I run across benchmarks or get my hands on one.


This topic was modified 4 days ago by VennStone

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