FireWire Audio Inte...
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FireWire Audio Interfaces On Linux

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Firewire might have reached end of life on Windows & macOS, but it's alive and kicking in penguin land! Let's see what it takes to get set up and if it's right for you.

Read the full article

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Love seeing someone breathe new life into those oldies but goodies by coaxing them to run on Linux! Just because they've been around the block a few times doesn't mean they're ready for the scrap heap.

They're not just old, they're vintage, seasoned veterans with the scars and quirks that tell a story.

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Love this, as all the Interfacing Linux content! After a great start with audio on Linux I ran into trouble with the FFADO drivers.

The good start: Both my ancient but fantastically sounding _firewire 400_ audio interfaces (TC Konnekt Live and RME Fireface 400) run out of the box on Pop!_OS 22.04 on a 2017 Lenovo laptop, and that through a most shady digital signal chain: Firewire 400 to 800 cable > Apple Firewire 800 to Thunderbold 2 adapter > Apple Thunderbolt 2 to 3 adapter. For listening music, this is great, as it just works and I didn't experience any dropouts or audio issues in months.

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The trouble: I do not get the FFADO drivers to work with my interfaces. I ran your tutorial multiple times back and forth, but as soon as the FFADO drivers are in charge, the audio interfaces are not detected anymore by the system. Not by alsamixer, or qjackctl or pavucontrol. Since I was not sure if the adapter mayhem was part of the problem, I ran the same steps on a desktop computer (Gigabyte mainboard with built-in firewire 400 port), but the result is the same.

At this point I'm assuming these 2 devices are just not supported by FFADO. If I'm mistaken, any inputs are welcome. It would be a shame since the hardware is excellent and working.

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After this I still optimized my system for audio according to Then I measured the round-trip latency using the technique in your recent video. At around 95ms of total roundtrip latency it is not really usable for realtime audio.

If this is not working out, I'll probably have to grab a USB interface, or Firewire device from your list. In any case, thanks for the work and the great videos!

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Right on. If you want, post the issue over in the forums so we can troubleshoot and I will have a look at it.

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I have an old M-Audio FireWire 410 interface so I bought a Vantec FireWire 800/400 card recently to try to get this running again.  I plugged everything in, upgraded to the low-latency kernel, and after some fiddling with aplay and lspci I was able to get the interface to play audio outputs.  I am using Ubuntu 22.04.3.  I think everything was working through ALSA although I have PulseAudio and PipeWire installed, I don't know how to use these.  I tried ffado-mixer but it never recognized any devices.  qjackctl also does not find the in/out paths. 

I was trying to get the microphone/input path to work so I tried these instructions to blacklist firewire drivers, update initramfs and reboot.  Upon reboot I find no alsa entry for my interface using 'aplay -l' or 'arecord -l'.

I tried to revert the changes by removing the blacklists, reupdating the iniramfs and rebooting again. Unfortunately, this doesn't work. I now have no connection to the interface. It still does not show up in aplay or pactl list.

How do I revert the changes in this post?!

Thank you.

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First I would run ffado-test ListDevices

That will tell you if the PC can see the interface, just in case you're dealing with a well-timed hardware failure.

Doing the following should revert the system back to its previous state, unless you've done something in addition to the steps listed.

sudo apt purge jackd2 jackd2-firewire ffado-mixer-qt4 qjackctl

sudo apt autoremove

sudo rm /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf

sudo update-initramfs -u

Remember to change qjackctl driver back to alsa.

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Thanks for the help! This reverted me to previous configuration, and cleaned out a bunch of libraries that weren't current anymore since I updated to 22.04.

I will have to find some other ways to get the microphone/line-in path working. Perhaps I will pursue this further in your forums, but as you can tell, I have only limited understanding of how the sound servers are working in Linux. Perhaps I should upgrade to PipeWire with 22.10.


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