Making scrolling te...
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Making scrolling text in KDEnlive

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I'm trying to figure out how to make scrolling text like how commercials for compilation albums from the 90s played. I've seen one or two videos that on the topic, but those didn't help.

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Can you track down a video example of the effect that you're looking for and post it here?

That would help me point you in the right direction.

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Here's an example video of what I'm going for:

This post was modified 6 months ago by Ertain

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Joined: 6 months ago
Posts: 118

You should be able to pull that off with a key frame transform. Write a block of text and move it to the bottom, set a key frame and move the block of text to the top at a later spot in the video and set another key frame. Then fine tune the position.

Check out the IL Wishlist for upcoming project ideas.

Ertain reacted
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@vennmints That's just crazy enough to work!🤯


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