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[Sticky] Plugins Used For Linux Podcasts

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Curious about the plugins used to live stream and record LinuxGameCast? Let's have a look.

I record all the bits using Reaper, Netjack2, and my trusty RME AIO Pro. You can find the PC parts list for the studio DAW (Jackbox) at the bottom of this page.


Volume Control: Controls input volume

LSP Expander: Configures as a downward expander for noise reduction

ReaComp: Stock Reaper compressor

ReaEQ: Stock Reaper equaliser



Loudness Meter: Stock VU meter to check combined levels for hosts

Delay: Stock Reaper delay plugin for a silly effect at the beginning of the show

Acon Digital DeClick: Windows Declick plugin to remove mouth noises

ERA 6 Voice Leveler: Windows levelling plugin (I bounce between this and Master_Me)

Denoiser Classic: Multiband downward expander



Type A: Emulates the Dolby A Trick technique

ReaLimit: Stock Reaper limiter

Lime Deesser S2: Tukan deesser

ReaGate: Stock Reaper gate plugin

Loudness Meter: Stock VU meter to track LUFS


The audio chain is nice and boring, just like I like it. Nothing crazy going on outside of the two Windows plugins, but in 2024 that hardly counts as uncommon since they Just Work™ for the most part.

Questions and critiques are welcome.

Check out the IL Wishlist for upcoming project ideas.

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Thanks for this information, very useful. What version of Wine do you use?

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Wine-Staging from WineHQ. My setup is outlined here

Check out the IL Wishlist for upcoming project ideas.


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